Cycling Tour 2005: Schwarzwald


Ward puzzling about what else you can expect than cycling slowly ("langsam fahren") when an 18% climb is ahead.

More images.


The Hochschwarzwald region (map), east south-east and south of Freiburg is the most mountainous part of the Black Forest. It is comparable to its "mirror region", the French Vosges (the two are separated by the river Rhine). Towns and villages have a typical elevation between 200 and 600 meters, whereas the highest elevations are between 1200 and 1500 meters.

The website of the Dreisamtal region (the river Dreisam passes Freiburg) offers a list of "Radfreundliche Betriebe" (hotels and pensions that welcome bikers). From that list we have chosen Gasthaus Sonne in Stegen-Oberbirken (see photos below). A recommendable hotel: quiet location, friendly people, excellent food and moderately priced.

Of the three daytrips that we have made (see map below) the following sections are particularly worthwhile:
a. Waldkirch -Kandel (1243m) - Sankt Peter Stegen; click here for gradient profile;
b. Buchenbach -Turner (1034m) - Glashütte - Gutachtal (lovely narrow and windy local road) - Simonswald; click here for gradient profile;
c. Buchenbach - Sankt Märgen - Turner; click here for gradient profile;
d. Oberried - Notschrei * (1119m) - Todtnau (* Notschei means Cry of Distress !); click here for gradient profile of north slope / south slope;
e. Todtnau - Wieden - Wiedener Eck (1035m) - Belchen (1360m, see note below) - Schönau - Neuenweg - Haldenhof (885m) - Münster; click here for gradient profile of Belchen / Haldenhof;
f. climbing to Schauinsland (1250m) or Notschrei (1119m) from the Münster valley (an attractive, but partly pretty steep and narrow local road); click here for gradient profile;
g. climbing to Schauinsland from Freiburg (but no experience since the road was temporarily closed due to road works);

Note: the paved road seems to end at the bottom station of the Belchen cableway; however, after a 200 m unpaved section at right of parking area directly besides the station the former ­ still paved ­ road continues to the top station of the cableway !

The descent from Turner towards Titisee ­ Neustadt (Jostal) is fine, but not spectacular. The road from Titisee, via Feldberg (1230m) to Todtnau was disappointing (too many tourists along the lake and too many cars on the Bundesstrasse B317).

Click here for gradient profiles of daytrips 1, 2 and 3.


Profiles and more images.

The gradient profiles of the trips on respectively day 1, day 2 and day 3 have been made by Ward Oud in Matlab, based on the read out of his Polar S720i
Note that the given heights are based on the Polar readout, which may differ from map readings.

Hotel Sonne (Stegen - Oberbirken, Schwarzwald, Germany) and a detail of the inn sign.

Navigation: Start page | Day 4: Furka-Nufenen-Gotthard | Day 5: Oberalp-Göscheneralpsee | Day 6: Susten-Grimsel-Furka | Finally